A Picture is Worth A Thousand…GRPs

Last week Apple announced a new advertising campaign featuring user-generated iPhone photography — shedding a spotlight on how fabulous the iPhone camera has become and proving you can even blow them up to billboard sizes.

The quality of photos that are produced from the iPhone are truly amazing and create one of a kind masterpieces like this magical shot from Shan L. in San Francisco, CA.

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From a marketing and advertising standpoint, it’s great to see real, authentic photos being used as content by major brands like Apple. With mobile phones containing professional grade cameras in everyones pocket, and companies required in the information age to continuously churn out content on a regular basis, it seems only natural that brands start using content created from their users.

If you think about it, using user-generated content will only create a stronger connection between a brand and its customers since they will be seeing familiar and relatable content. This is what every brand wants – to truly connect with their target audience.

The one barrier I see with this trend is properly licensing photos and the legal ramifications companies could face. Once this is solved though and more brands begin to use this type of content for advertising, marketing and social media, I bet we will see an increase in positive interactions, Gross Rating Points (GRPs) and overall conversations.